And, as it just so happens, this is exactly what is happening this very moment. One evening, just a few days ago, I was casually checking my email as my husband and I were watching one of the several Netflix shows we stream when I opened an email that leads to this link: (Disclaimer, it is legit and won't infect your computer with anything).
Now scroll to the bottom...WHAT?! Holy smokes, Batman! My book is gaining a little traction and being featured (very nicely I might add) on promo emails! I even got a few retweets. This is very exciting news to me, someone who is still trying to figure out my social media and marketing presence without being completely obnoxious about it. And now it is time for me to shamelessly plug their Twitter handle @KindleRomanceReview.
As for my writing update, I'm working hard on book 2 of my Western Dreams Series. This work-in-progress tells the story of Warner Ellis, the eldest brother, who is stoic, duty bound, and just a little bit guilt-ridden. His life is turned upside down very early in the book and my female protagonist, Rachel, keeps him guessing in the most shocking ways. I have a long way to go until it is finished, but I'm making progress on it every day.
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