Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It has been a while since I've blogged, I realize that. Time seems to be slipping away from me this summer. It has been busy, busy, busy. Fortunately, I have a wonderfully supportive bunch of friends and family that help keep me grounded. That and I typically end up spending the evening like this:

And, as it just so happens, this is exactly what is happening this very moment. One evening, just a few days ago, I was casually checking my email as my husband and I were watching one of the several Netflix shows we stream when I opened an email that leads to this link: (Disclaimer, it is legit and won't infect your computer with anything).

Now scroll to the bottom...WHAT?! Holy smokes, Batman! My book is gaining a little traction and being featured (very nicely I might add) on promo emails! I even got a few retweets. This is very exciting news to me, someone who is still trying to figure out my social media and marketing presence without being completely obnoxious about it. And now it is time for me to shamelessly plug their Twitter handle @KindleRomanceReview.

As for my writing update, I'm working hard on book 2 of my Western Dreams Series. This work-in-progress tells the story of Warner Ellis, the eldest brother, who is stoic, duty bound, and just a little bit guilt-ridden. His life is turned upside down very early in the book and my female protagonist, Rachel, keeps him guessing in the most shocking ways. I have a long way to go until it is finished, but I'm making progress on it every day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Random thoughts on my writing

I will try to give this post some direction, but I'm making no promises. I will admit one serious personal flaw, however. It is a flaw that I have had for many years.

I tend to lot. I suppose it matters little whether it is getting sucked down in the rabbit hole that is the internet, playing Words With Friends on my phone, or just puttering around the house. The point is that during these times, I'm not writing. Sure, I'm thinking about writing. I'm planning masterful scenes in my head and having genius turns of phrase flit through my consciousness, but I'm not sitting down at my computer and doing the work. I have realized that I have a problem.

And then this happens:

I'm pretty sure he thinks he is being helpful. 

So how to over come it is my next problem. I have made a deal with myself: I can't open my browser until I have written at least 500 words...preferably 1000. If I get stuck, I make an outline and plow forward. I am aware that there is this debate among some authors about the overall usefulness of outlining, but I am firmly on Team Outline. Actually, what I have seen is the analogy of Architects vs. Gardeners. Do you construct something structured and just plug in the details, or do you plant the seed and just let it grow from there? I suppose I'm a sloppy Architect. I like to have a general idea where I'm headed, but I leave room for my characters to misbehave and change the outline (as they often do).

I'm also working on the second installment of a four part series. Here is my hook sentence: "A scream of pain and fear pierced the stillness of the night." I like it. I'm not sure if it will make the final cut, but it's a good jumping off point. If I opened a book and read this as the first sentence, I would have enough questions to keep me reading for at least the first paragraph. Who is screaming? Why? What is there to be afraid of? I am hoping that my readers will feel the same.