Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

I will try to make this post with as few typos as possible. Not promising anything major since I have a sleeping cat laying on my left arm. He thinks he is helping me write, I'm quite sure of it.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have much to be grateful for this year. I have a wonderful husband, two healthy cats who provide endless hours of delight/frustration/amusement for our household, a job I feel deeply passionate about, amazing friends, and a loving family. What more can a girl hope for?

I have my pies baked, my turkey is brining and a sink full of dishes waiting for their turn in the dishwasher. My Christmas tree is already calling to me to put it up (yes, honey, that is happening very, very soon). There is no way I'm leaving my house the day after Thanksgiving, as I don't do the whole Black Friday thing. However, I am fully planning on taking care of some Cyber Monday deals. I really think I should have been born a Christmas Elf. I just love the holidays so much!

I am also finishing another project for NaNoWriMo. I am working on Book 3 in the Western Dreams series (Porter's story). In December I will start editing book officially titled A Dream and A Kiss. My plan and fervent wish is to have it all polished up, edited, cover art designed and ready for its release by late February. Phew! I am going to have a busy, busy winter it seems. Then I'll be off to finishing Porter's story and doing the editing, polishing, etc on that one...which by the way I am having an immensely wonderful time writing. Porter is such a wonderful character. I really hope you love reading his story as much I love telling it.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I have been quite remiss in posting lately. Admittedly, I have had a busy month, but we all have busy lives, right. Let's see...what have I been up to? Well, my husband and I have taken in another fur-baby. This is Buttons:


As you can see, he has a big personality. My other cat, Mo, is not loving his new brother just yet. A good deal of my time this month has been trying to keep the hissing to a minimum. Things are looking better, but it has been a lot of work.

Speaking of work, my day job has been really stressful. I won't go into that too much, but just suffice it to say that my brain is nearly always fried by the end of the day.

I have also been gearing up for NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month), which begins today, November 1. This will be my fourth year doing NaNo. I will be continuing my Western Dreams family saga. This installment of the series tells the story of Porter Ellis, the rebel of the family who is given a cause. It will be very much an Old West tale. Spoiler Alert: bank robbers, revenge, and old-fashioned shootouts are all going to be included. Actually, all of that will be in the first few chapters with plenty of action to follow. I'm so excited to tell his story.

I'm also putting the finishing touches on the first draft of Book II of the series, now titled "A Dream and a Kiss." I'll be starting the editing process in December and will be going back to fix a couple plot holes that I've noticed. Though it may be ambitious with the holidays coming up, I'm hoping for a February release date.

Stay tuned.